H1N1 Swine Flu
Updated 9/18/11
Scroll to bottom of page for Links to websites with the most recent information.
In June of 2009 the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that a new influenza A strain reached Pandemic proportions. "Pandemic" does not mean more severe. On the contrary, some feel this strain is about the same as other "A" strains. The difference is that more people will get the infection. In the early 1950's a similar strain infected many people and it is felt that this may lessen severity for individuals alive at that time. The current influenza vaccine for 2011-2012 contains the H1N1 Swine Flu antigen.
In early October of 2009 we will see a specific "H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine" become available. The vaccine will be distributed by the Orange County Health Department. At the present time they suggest vaccinating:
- Children six months to five years of age
- Household contacts of children younger than six months of age
- Adults 65 years of age or older
Pregnant women
Health care personal
Persons with the following conditions: Chronic pulmonary (including asthma), cardiovascular (except hypertension), renal, hepatic, hematological (including sickle cell disease), neurologic, neuromuscular, or metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus)
Immunosuppression, including that caused by medications or by HIV
Persons younger than 19 years of age who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy, because of an increased risk for Reye's syndrome
Information about the Swine Flu changes rapidly. Consult one of the following websites for updated and reliable information.
Here are some websites with updated information: